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Announcing IQnext CMMS

IQnext added CMMS to its centralized platform for increased asset life, efficient building operations, and seamless collaboration.

Vishal Jain
IQnext CMMS launch

Can you think of a remarkable invention that changed the construction industry for the good? We bet you thought of 10.

You see, the history of construction is as old as the history of humanity. From mud huts and megalithic stones to mega highways and skyscrapers, we’ve witnessed remarkable feats in the world of building innovation. 

A truly extraordinary innovation was the advent of hydraulic and pneumatic devices which led to the creation of earth-moving equipment that is now inseparable from the building industry. In the latter part of the 20th century computer-aided design (CAD) emerged, changing construction irrevocably. Then came the building information modeling (BIM). BIM involves all project stakeholders working collaboratively on a detailed 3D model, allowing architects, engineers, contractors, and subcontractors to collaborate on the fine details of design and construction by using the same database and computer model.

The point we are trying to make is - the building has been built, thanks to all these cutting-edge innovations, and it is going to stay there for another 50 years. Now what? How do you manage the complex buildings and facilities that encompass hundreds and thousands of people moving in and out every day? Ensuring that they are safe and healthy while also having the lowest operating expenses, the least amount of energy consumed, the longest asset investment period, and so on. It is not easy to manage such complex environments!

That is where the technology became saturated.

The rein of inefficiency and silos

IQnext had set out with a mission to deliver continuous efficiency and sustainability to the built environment throughout its lifecycle. While we started with IoT-based energy management solutions, we soon realized the chaos in daily building operations. Organizations use multiple tools with proprietary software offered by different vendors that won’t talk to each other, and sometimes no tool at all.

Because of these siloed tools, the right data was not getting in at the right time for the stakeholders, making the building operations a nightmare. To make things worse, some organizations were still using a manual spreadsheet approach. For instance, we have seen a team of technicians that are dedicated just to taking energy meter readings on a daily basis and then entering them into a spreadsheet, then consolidating all that data into another sheet at the end of the month for the next set of billing workflow. Inefficiency at its peak!

IQnext’s software-first approach 

For the efficient management of something as large as a building, the first step is to integrate every building device across the portfolio on a single platform where all the data can flow seamlessly irrespective of the type and make of the device. The next logical step is to bring every stakeholder onto a single platform, where they can collaborate effortlessly, just like how sales, marketing, and customer success teams come together on a CRM. All in all, a single tool to bring devices, people, and processes together on a common platform. We did exactly that.

Testing the waters

A computerized maintenance management system (CMMS) was a naturally feasible extension of our existing product as we were already integrating building devices and successfully so. With data gathered from our customer interactions, and hearing their pain points, our team set out to start working on solving the problems. We took the beta version of our IQnext CMMS to some of our existing enterprise customers who trusted us with their buildings and facilities. Throughout this process, transparency with our customers was the key – we were upfront about what our product could deliver and what we were working towards.

Grateful to our early adopters, who have provided their feedback and contributed to our product journey. We delivered some wow features to them from time to time.

We also want to thank our very own sales and customer-facing teams, who were tasked to identify early adoption customers, understand the problems that customers are facing and validate if what we are currently building is something that will truly solve their problem. All their inputs were transferred to the product management teams who then had to track all their feedback into product requirements. Super teamwork is required to package such a complex subject into a simple and intuitive product! 

Say hello to IQnext CMMS

After weeks and months spent on software development, embracing customer feedback, today, we are unveiling IQnext CMMS  – making this exceptional tool accessible to everyone. 

We are on a mission to deliver continuous efficiency and sustainability to the built environment and we will keep adding these amazing applications to our centralized platform to enable IQnext to become the CRM of buildings for our customers.

Key Features of IQnext CMMS:

Onwards and upwards 🚀

No more juggling between disparate tools. No more reliance on outdated paper-based processes. IQnext CMMS brings your entire facility management under one roof. Whether you are gathering data from energy meters or analyzing system malfunctions, IQnext CMMS is the unified solution for your facility.

Schedule a demo to see IQnext live in action, or follow us on Linkedin to see what we are building next!

Asset and maintenance
Facility management
Maintenance management

Reimagine Buildings

Centralized. Data-driven. Real-time.

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